La Loma Jungle Lodge

If you want to relax in a secluded hill­side ran­cho over­look­ing a majestic bay, par­ti­cip­ate in trop­ical farm life or engage in a range of activ­it­ies designed to bring you closer to the nat­ural envir­on­ment and local com­munit­ies of spec­tac­u­lar Bas­ti­men­tos island, La Loma is for you.

Our 23 hec­tares stretch up from the man­grove shores of Bahia Honda, through trop­ical forest, groves of cacao (chocol­ate), banana, and coconut to one of the highest points on Bas­ti­men­tos Island. La Loma is all about the out­side and the out­side here is glor­i­ous – tower­ing trees, deep green man­grove bays and glit­ter­ing beaches. Whether you’re swinging in a ham­mock as blue Morpho but­ter­flies drift by, wan­der­ing jungle trails or peel­ing cacao beans you’ll dis­cover first-hand the mag­ni­fi­cence of this trop­ical island.

We’ve hand­made only 4 ran­chos each incon­spicu­ously perched in the jungle. Using ver­nacu­lar archi­tec­ture, we’ve designed beau­ti­ful simple retreats made from nat­ur­ally fallen trees, sus­tain­ably har­ves­ted lum­ber and other renew­able mater­i­als such as bam­boo and wild cane. Each ran­cho has a private bath­room with a hot water shower, com­fort­able beds with enorm­ous can­opy mos­quito nets and fur­niture craf­ted on-site from local hardwoods.Solar pan­els provide power for subtle light­ing and ceil­ing fans. Water is sup­plied from on-site springs and rain catch­ment sys­tems. There are no TVs or air con­di­tion­ers at La Loma only the exuber­ant sounds of the jungle, cool breezes from the bay and bin­ocu­lars to watch life in the treetops

Eat­ing is an integ­ral part of the La Loma exper­i­ence. Your stay includes break­fast, lunch and din­ner and much of what you eat will have been grown in our organic gardens. Based on local recipes and pre­pared by local chefs, our menus are developed from the foods that are in sea­son.

La Loma has grown out of a ded­ic­a­tion to explor­ing, sus­tain­ing and cel­eb­rat­ing all that is unique to this area. We are pas­sion­ate about the nat­ural envir­on­ment and rooted in the local com­munity. By open­ing up our farm to only a small num­ber of guests we offer a truly per­son­al­ized exper­i­ence that doesn’t dam­age this mag­ni­fi­cent nat­ural envir­on­ment and the lives of its inhabitants.

The price for the tree­top cab­ins is $120 per per­son per night, based on double occu­pancy (plus $4 per per­son per night gov­ern­ment tour­ism tax).

The price for the rock pool cabin is $110 per per­son per night, based on double occu­pancy (plus $4 per per­son gov­ern­ment tour­ism tax).

Single-occupancy sup­ple­ment, 50%.

La Loma has a two-night min­imum stay.

Rates include break­fast, lunch and din­ner. Drinks, includ­ing alco­hol are an addi­tional charge. Trans­port­a­tion from Bocas town on arrival and depar­ture, and some diver­sions are included free of charge.

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Contact Details

Office: Building Vista San Cristobal, 1st Floor, Office #1, South Avenue, Isla Colon, Bocas del Toro, Panama
Email: [email protected]