Turtle Beach House

What’s not to love about bed and breakfasts? We love the quaint, homey vibes that comes with B&Bs- and when they’re located beachside, where mega-resorts are more often the norm, they feel even more like hidden gems. Turtle Beach House is definitely a new hidden gem in the Bocas archipelago. VISIT TURTLE BEACH HOUSE WEBSITE… Continue reading Turtle Beach House

La Loma Jungle Lodge

If you want to relax in a secluded hill­side ran­cho over­look­ing a majestic bay, par­ti­cip­ate in trop­ical farm life or engage in a range of activ­it­ies designed to bring you closer to the nat­ural envir­on­ment and local com­munit­ies of spec­tac­u­lar Bas­ti­men­tos island, La Loma is for you. Our 23 hec­tares stretch up from the man­grove… Continue reading La Loma Jungle Lodge